Blood ties can make you belong or rip your soul apart. We are simply educated that blood is thicker than water. Then we find that water is life and life is what is most precious. We see the world and shrink in fear as it seems so alien to our beliefs yet we are part of it all. Poverty and injustice define our right from wrong. Happiness is defined by a smile and a Hollywood moment. We fight with the world because we love it yet we can't seem to be able to define love. Some of us have all of the answers. Others know that some of us are wrong. We will kill for what is ours even after we realize it never was ours to start with. What we are are animals confused by our own intelligence. Too smart to consider ourselves as beasts yet not smart enough to realize that we are. It's all in the blood. From the first drop spilt to the latest genetically modified soul. Pushing desire in to reality and making reality become our dreams. Meanwhile each push of the pump is numbered.